This directory serves as a data base and resource for information and collaboration possibilities based on the PH Fellows’ professional skills and competencies derived from their practice of leadership. The directory lists each Fellow by their title of position at their current organisation with contact information (email address and mobile number, as available). It also lists the specific leadership skills they have acquired or skills they considered most valuable to them. Currently 46 Fellows from India are listed but more are expected to be added.
A cursory study of these Fellows’ skills set indicates that Project Management, Leadership Development and Institution Building have been expressed most frequently as their personal areas of strength, as most valuable in their work, or most necessary. This reflects the veracity of the Leadership-Management Circle approach that underpins our Leadership Development philosophy for the reproductive health field. Within this ethos, more is demanded of leaders because Leaders Doing The Right Things while Managers Are Doing Things Right. We hope these skills and competences are harnessed to support this platform’s Catalyse Nurture Support Public Health Leadership mission.